http://www.tiande.url.tw/contact.html 中華天德聖教財團法人台南市念字聖堂 http://www.tiande.url.tw/images/corpimg.png 701 台南市東區東光路二段36巷27號 $ 06-236-5794 ◎天德聖教簡介             天德聖教一炁宗主為先天無形古佛分靈倒裝,悲憫人間浩劫之重,眾生迷惘陷溺之深,不忍萬物生靈同遭塗炭之苦,綜五教萬教之義理,匯集成廿字「忠、恕、廉、明、德、正、義、信、忍、公、博、孝、仁、慈、覺、節、儉、真、禮、和。」期能喚醒人心回頭是岸,以挽三期延康浩劫。         本教為最古老宗教,自黃帝時即以德為教,謂之「德教」。亦是最新興之宗教,於民國七十八年向內政部登記立案奉准為「天德教」,以奉行廿字為本教之教義,以正己化人為教法,以慈悲不斷為教理,以天之德為德、自度而度人,勸化世人,重整道德,匡正人心,以合天心,恢復倫理道德以合天之德,本教不言談玄妙,不尚膜拜,而以力行實踐廿字為務,以自我修持為本,自然而然影響他人,經自省而奉行實踐廿字,簡言之即是由個人方寸之地做起,漸而至家庭以至社會國家而成大同之世,本教無教界之分,各宗教均為勸善導正人心,宗教一律平等,主張宗教大同進而政治平等大同,而達世界大同之祥和世界。            本教研究精神療養及各教哲理,於民國十九年向當時南京國民政府立案成立「宗教哲學社」及「東方精神療養院」,而後至各省相繼成立五十餘處,皈依同道數百萬人。民國四十二年開山祖師來台宏道,初期於高雄設壇宏道,精研精神療養,信眾達數萬人,礙於政府法令,遂於民國五十六年向內政部登記立案成立「中國精神療養研究會」,而後各縣市相際成立支會(台南支會於六十一年成立),直至政府解嚴開放宗教立案,由道監大覺菩薩道行全省,於民國七十八年經內政部立案奉准,並成立天德教總會,地方教會遍及全省,宏傳念字度人勸善,設總道壇「凌雄寶殿」於彰化福田里,總成一切教化。        本教特色:有教無界,皈依仍可至他教參拜,研究精神療養治病,促使身心靈清靜健康,飲食不拘葷素、不暴殄天物存乎一心,奉持念字,行為世範,學為人師。         天德弟子核心責任,(一)醫人:精進精神療養,助人化除五濁;(二)化人:自我內心覺悟,助人降伏三毒;(三)度人:研經讀誦演說,助人精進三慧;(四)濟人:發大慈大悲心,自我信解行證。Yi Qi master, the master of Tian De religion, the reincarnation of Wu Xing Buddha,Sympathized with the grievously of world calamity and the mortal indulges in void reputation、profits and lust. Master cannot bear to all living creatures suffer the abyss of misery, so he summarized doctrines of all religion into “twenty words of truth”, hope can arouse human conscience, help mortals back to the right path, in order to avoid ”The third calamity” (Yan Kang calamity).“twenty words of truth”:1.royalty (zhong) 2.forgiveness (shu) 3.incorruptness (lian) 4.insight (ming)5.virture (de) 6.upright (zheng) 7.justice (yi) 8.faith (xin) 9.endure(ren) 10.fairness (gong) 11.abundance (bo) 12.filial piety (xiao) 13.benevolence (ren) 14.mercy (ci) 15.awareness (jue) 16.moderration (jie) 17.thrift (jian) 18.truthfulness (zhen) 19.courtesy (li) 20.harmony (he)“Tian DE religion” is not only the oldest but also a morden one, because “Yellow Emperor” founded “De religion” with human relation and common moral as the teachings of “De religion”, in 1989 “Tian De religion” formally registered and approved by Ministry of internal affairs . The followers of “Tian De religion” “pursue twenty words of truth” to self-control and help others to back to right path. They always show mercy to all living creatures, follow nature rule, try to awaken their conscience and persuade mortals revive moral in order to meet nature virture.“Tian De ‘s” neither discuss mysteries nor worship idols. They make every effort to perform “twenty words of truth”, cultivate themselves according to doctrines, in that way can influence others willing to follow “Tian De religion”. In brief, we do these from our heart first then extend to our families、societies、nations, finally make the world become universal harmony.There is no religion boundary taboo in “Tian De religion”, all religion are equal here, if their doctrines are virtuous. “Tian De religion” advocates that through religion equality to achieve politics equality, then universal harmony.“Tian De religion” researches mental therapy and doctrines of all religions. In 1930 our founder founded “religion philosophy association” and “eastern mental therapy academy” which were formally registered and approved by government, in a little time after that our branches established one after another to the number as fifties, and millions of believers.In 1953, our founder (Master Wang) propagated “Twenty words of truth” and mental therapy in Taiwan, at first he established an association at Kaohsiung, over 30,000 people join the association. 1967 founder conformed to government decree founded “Chinese mental therapy research association” many branches established sequentially in different cities and counties.After government declares martial law ended people can register new religion, in 1989 Ministry of internal affairs approved Master Qin`s application “Tian De religion” formally established. “Ling Xiong holy temple” at Futian subdivision, Changhua county is the headquarter of “Tian De religion” local churches locate all over Taiwan to propagate “Twenty words of truth”.The characteristic of “Tian De religion”:Disciples of “Tian De religion” have no religion boundary taboo, that’s meaning people who had embraced to “Tian De religion” still can worship to other religion.Disciples need study mental therapy to help others to cure the illness, make one`s body, mind and soul clear, calm and health.Disciples needn’t to be vegetarian; they just need treasure nature resources.Disciples must esteem and practice “Twenty words of truth” they must watch their behavior, so that, they can be model of others.The core duty of disciples of “Tian De religion”:1.Constantly improve mental therapy to help people eliminate Five turbidities.2.Purify own mind to help people defeat Three poisons (greed, anger, illusion).3.Study scriptures and Master`s lectures to help people improve Three wisdom (discipline, meditation, wisdom).4.Develop mind of infinitely merciful and compassionate to perform what you studied and believe in, finally glory “Tian De religion”.   
http://www.tiande.url.tw/ 中華天德聖教財團法人台南市念字聖堂
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